Yahgee was invited to participate in the Public Policy Forum of the University of Hong Kong | discuss the future development of modular integrated buildings in Greater Bay area
Release time:2023-08-31
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The construction and infrastructure development innovation centre (CICID) of the university of Hong Kong and the MiC laboratory (MiCLab) of the department of civil engineering of the university of Hong Kong held a strategic public policy forum with the theme "enhancing the supply chain of assembly and composite construction method (MiC) in the greater bay area to promote the development of Hong Kong: preliminary policy routes and guidelines", which brought together experts and scholars from the government, industry and academia. 

Share the latest policies, research results and practical experience to improve the MiC supply chain. 

Mr. Ding Kun, General Manager of Yahgee, was invited to attend as the guest speaker of this forum. 

In this forum, Mr. Ding Kun mainly shared the practical cases and technical development of yahgee in modular building manufacturing in recent years, and analyzed the shortcomings and improvement suggestions in the current modular building development. 

The "University of Hong Kong Wong Chuk Hang student apartment project" undertaken by Yahgee officially received Occupation Permit (referred to as OP) on August 29th, 2023, and has become a demonstration project for relevant departments of the Hong Kong SAR government and industry experts to demonstrate Hong Kong's innovative construction technology to the outside world. 

At present, the housing problem is one of the most concerned issues in Hong Kong society. 

The supply of modular housing is designed to effectively and flexibly solve the problem of tight housing resources. 

The prefabrication rate of modular buildings is more than 90%. Compared with traditional on-site construction methods, all equipment, materials, and pipelines of architecture, structure, mechatronics and other specialties need to be partially or completely preinstalled in the factory; the modular system is mobile, it can meet the government's flexible planning for land use, recycle the modules, and move to new locations for continued use, which is also in line with the concept of green and sustainable environmental protection. 

After years of development of Yahgee modular building deep ploughing and innovation, for long-term development reserve capacity, help building high-quality, sustainable development, output a number of "elegant demonstration". 

With scientific and technological innovation to promote the continuous development of the industry, in the future Yahgee will continue to vigorously explore the research and development of modular building technology system with high professional integration and at the forefront of construction industrialization, bringing more surprises to users and builders!

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